Configure a Small Data Center Fabric

A small data center (non-Clos) fabric is used in small data centers.

About this task

Use this procedure to configure a small data center fabric.


If any devices in a fabric are in "admin-down" state, use of the following commands in that same fabric will not add or delete devices in the fabric: efa fabric device add-bulk and efa fabric device remove.


  1. Create a fabric.
    efa fabric create
  2. Add a device to the fabric.
    efa fabric device add

    A device must be registered with Inventory Service before you can add it to a fabric. However, if you provide a user name and password when you run the command, then the devices are automatically registered with the Inventory Service. See the examples at the end of this procedure.

    You can add multiple devices by using the efa fabric device add-bulk command. If you choose to add multiple devices in bulk, ensure you perform the following operations first:
    • Run the efa inventory device register --ip <list-of-device-ips> command.
    • Run the efa inventory device interface list --ip <device-ip> command. In the output of the command, verify that the states of the port links are as you expected (in the Admin Status and Oper Status fields). If not, manually check the physical cabling and fix any issues. Then continue with the efa fabric device add-bulk operation.
  3. Configure the fabric.
    $ efa fabric configure


    The validation process reports any errors as a response to the efa fabric device add or efa fabric configure operations. You can use the efa fabric error show command to export these errors to a CSV file.


This example creates the fabric.
$ efa fabric create --name extr-fabric  --type non-clos


This example adds a device to the fabric.
efa fabric device add --name extr-fabric --ip 10.x.x.x --rack room1-rack1 
--username admin --password password 


This example adds multiple devices to the fabric.
$ efa fabric device add-bulk --name extr-fabric --rack room1-rack1 
--ip, --rack room1-rack2 --ip,


This example configures the fabric.
efa fabric configure --name extr-fabric